
Gardner’s House Inc, A Recovery Wellness Center. Your basic needs are our priority. Cancer knows no color.

A national survey of households affected by cancer shows how health care and health insurance systems can fail to protect people when they are most in need. It’s true! Being insured is not enough to fight cancer if your insurance is not adequate, says USA Today, the Kaiser Family Foundation, and the Harvard School of Public Health. Their survey results also showed that, for those who love and care for people diagnosed with cancer, a cancer diagnosis leads to financial crisis, strained relationships, and mental and additional physical health issues.

The survey found that one in four families affected by cancer say the experience caused the patient to use up all or most of their savings, and one in eight said they borrowed money from relatives. The iceberg effect of Cancer can be deep and wide. Here are some of its devastating effects: loss of housing, employment & health insurance; divorce, separation and abandonment by friends and family. The debilitating side effects of treatment can be just as hard; just coping with day-to-day activities can be a struggle. We will provide information and help with basic needs to survive day to day. Please help us help those who are dying in silence.